JUNE 2009:
Here are all the basic known facts about the book according to references below.
As a researcher (historical) in this genre I believe I have left no leaf unturned.
Dan Brown hinted years ago the new book topic will be based around:
The Key of Solomon - source: (Clavicular Salomonis manuscript, most likely the original King Solomon Hebrew 'pentacle puzzle' parchment housed in the British Library).
Its ties to the Freemasons,
The seals on the US one dollar bill
The design layout plan of Washington DC.
Latest news according to Ron Howard is that the delayed book was due to some important reworking of the material and that its 'new landscape' will be set in Washington DC (Ref Inquirer.net article By Ruben V. Nepales, LA Correspondent, Philippine, Daily Inquirer, Posted date: May 22, 2009).
The book launch date has symbolic importance suggested by Dan Brown:
The 14th and 15th of September are forgotten early Christian sacred days called "The Feast of the Cross". Ref: Wikipedia. This important reference here suggests the validity of the mystery of the 'sacred cross' and yes.. it ties in with the Hebrew Solomon key mystery - read on.
I will list some historical references here as it is important spiritual material and it shows how these topics might be linked if you are interested in the studies of secret society and forbidden records.
Another interesting clue to The Lost Symbol's book material is in the Angels and Demons movie, Ron Howard left a teaser at the end of the movie that was not in Dan's book. Langdon was handed a secret 'Diagramma Verita' manuscript that was hidden in the Vatican archives. It was the secret star charts of the controversial astronomer Galileo who probably would have known of the secret of the 'sacred position' of the Castel Sant Angelo fortress, designed in the shape of a 'star'. The astronomical aspect will make sense if you google Solomon Key parchment and see the ancient Hebrew puzzle. Secondly, if you read the online manuscript of the Testament of King Solomon (ref Esotericarchives.com) its entire content involves stars in the heavens with recognisable star names secretly encoded as 'Demons' Ref: keyofsolomon.net
This link is posted by a symbologist and author who seems to agree with all the same connecting secret links between the Freemasons, the historical star puzzle and Washington DC layout plan as a star map. The parchment star puzzle has a mysterious forgotten symbol that has always been a mystery to scholars, and it is identical to the 'Chi-Rho' Christ symbol! If this is true then it is no wonder the Vatican would hide such records and that Dan is excited about the material. The symbol's meaning needs to be deciphered to crack the a unique star constellation puzzle and scholars have not yet agreed on the solution. This is real history!
There is a real historical Freemason star document recently released by the Bradford university in the UK with the same star pattern including the Pleiades stars and it is identical to the Stonehenge layout plan recently seen on history channel's 'Ancient aliens'.
The secret star maps identify a real star for the Bethlehem star which is no big deal, until you see that the star is like our Sun and the Solomon Key diagram depicts it with four orbs around it... four planets perhaps? It has a beam of light/ladder coming down from it to Earth matching the masonic document and the biblical Jacobs ladder account.
The Egyptian Senmut tomb at Der el Bahri has the same star chart and beam of light coming down to Earth and it is under lock and key. The public are not allowed to see this tomb and most scholars will not comment on the shocking mural on the tomb roof.
Enjoy the search for these hidden records that society has hidden for far too long.
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